Melissa Nunnink

When I came in over two years ago, I was having some problems with sciatica. I had been in a recent car crash that aggravated an old bicycling accident that combined to leave me with numbness and soreness in my right leg. After months of physical therapy, I had gotten really good at accepting the discomfort and frustration of loosing feeling in my toes and calf when I sat still or on hard surfaces for long periods. Then I saw the Live Well promotion to be examined and x-rayed for a ridiculously low price. The problem I described to Dr. Kristy was mildly irritating, but hadn’t stopped me from commuting to work on my bike, or competing in agility with my dogs (which was more aggravating because of the long drives to the venues than competing). I figured I had nothing to loose, only to find out from Dr. Kristy just how much I had lost.

Turns out, I had been plagued with headaches that I racked up to stress, I had been on hormones for regulating my cycle because I thought I had endometriosis, and my sleep was suffering. I had never considered that these problems weren’t “normal”. When the films were developed, Dr. Kristy showed me why I was suffering. I was shocked, and discouraged. The differences between a healthy spine and mine were big and intimidating. I wondered if Chiropractic could fix what I had done. In my consultation, however, the assurance Dr. Kristy gave was inspiring, if conservative. I decided to give it a try.

When my next X-rays were developed, I was looking forward to seeing some changes, as I had been feeling much better. I was happy to see that we were headed in the right direction. Nothing could have prepared me for the annual exam, though, even with the changes I had experienced in my health. My neck had totally turned around. The curve was so much better that I doubted it was my film, until I noticed my earrings. Without Dr. Kristy’s keen eye for the subluxations throughout my spine I would undoubtedly still be plagued with maladies. With careful, sensitive adjustments combined with the counseling on posture and rigorous stretching routines that have virtually turned my neck around in a fraction of the time I expected it to take, I am no longer on prescription medications, and have remarkably good health. I have come to realize that my sciatica, although my most irritating condition, was just the tip of my health problem iceberg. Thank goodness I didn’t wait for the pain from the other subluxations to get worse before looking for help.

Too often I have taken my health for granted. I have pushed myself physically with little regard for the long term effects. Thankfully, Live Well has kept me sound with regular monitoring and manipulation while reminding me to be thoughtful of the impact alignment has on my life. I can drive long distances without medication, I sleep soundly. I don’t have to tolerate pain every day, and I can choose to stay aligned. There’s been no better incentive to continue with my care than the general well-being I now enjoy.

Thank you, Live Well!

Emily Arias