Irene Bolden

If anyone had told me that I had a “posture” problem I would have argued strenuously that they were wrong. And so, I was caught off-guard when a couple of the people from Live Well Chiropractic asked me to have my posture checked. The only reason I believed them was because I had pain in my lower back and down my left hip when I walk. I do a lot of walking and it had been getting more painful.

A week later I had x-rays done and Dr. Kristy checked me over and diagnosed subluxation in the vertebrae in my neck and back. I had never heard the word “subluxation”; it is not in my dictionary. But, evidently the spine knows how to do it without knowing what it means. I am 55 years old, and I am proud that I have maintained my health with a few exceptions, sinus problems, overweight and, low back pain when I walk.

The affect of having just one adjustment was astounding! I started “seeing” my dreams. It was as if my nighttime dreaming had been turned on. One joy of sleeping is to dream. For some months I had not been able to remember my night dreams. Starting this particular night and going forward I have. I have also been able to sleep on 1 pillow. I have slept on at least 2 pillows for the past 5 or 6 years. Less than a month into my treatment I still walk, and my lower back gets a bit stiff, but not the terrible pain I got before.

I thought the reason I couldn't bend over to tie my shoes was due to being overweight. I can now time my shoelaces and put on nylons comfortably, without pain. Another bonus, I have more energy to exercise in order to lose the weight, I hope.

Emily Arias